Authenticate with OCI-compliant registries

How to use notation to authenticate with OCI-compliant registries

You can use notation to authenticate to an OCI-compliant registry. This is useful for pushing and pulling signed artifacts, as well as inspecting artifacts in registries that do not offer public access.

Use notation login to authenticate to an OCI-compliant registry

To authenticate to an OCI-compliant registry, use the notation login command with your registry, username, and password. For example:

notation login -u <username> -p <password> <registry>

Configure Docker Credential Store for Linux

As a security best practice, you should use a credential helper with a system keychain when using local credentials to access remote repositories.

notation uses Docker Credential Helpers and its protocol as the credential helpers. Currently, using Docker Credential Helpers requires manual installation and configuration in Linux by following the steps below. This configuration will be simplified in Notation v1.0.0.

Install Docker credential helper pass.

mkdir -p ~/bin
curl -Lo ~/bin/docker-credential-pass ""
chmod +x ~/bin/docker-credential-pass

Generate and configure GPG key for encryption.

gpg --full-generate-key

Install and configure pass.

sudo apt update 
sudo apt install pass -y
pass init $your_email

Configure Docker credential store in ~/.docker/config.json.

mkdir -p ~/.docker
echo '{"credsStore":"pass"}' > ~/.docker/config.json
chmod 600 ~/.docker/config.json

Use notation login to authenticate to an OCI-compliant registry.

notation login -u <username> <registry>

Configure environment variables to authenticate to an OCI-compliant registry

Set the NOTATION_USERNAME and NOTATION_PASSWORD environment variables to authenticate to an OCI-compliant registry.


After the environment variables are set, you can use Notation with your registry without notation login.

For security reasons, unset the environment variables after you are done interacting with the OCI-compliant registry. For example:


Use notation logout to log out of an OCI-compliant registry

To log out of an OCI-compliant registry, use the notation logout command with your registry. For example:

notation logout <registry>

OCI-compliant registries

For a full list of OCI-compliant registries compatible with notation, see OCI-compliant registries.